Trip of the day.

Trip of the Day ensures you an unforgettable experience to the most unique destinations the Faroe Islands have to offer.

Trip of the day.

Trip of the Day ensures you an unforgettable experience to the most unique destinations the Faroe Islands have to offer.

What’s it all about?

The land of maybe?

In the ‘land of maybe’, the weather forecast can be very unreliable - you never know what the islands will throw at you. At one moment it might be windy and rainy, but at the next moment there can be sunshine and a lovely breeze. Therefore, the weather dictates where and what is possible. Did you know 30% of all trips to Mykines in the summer of 2022 were canceled due to weather. This means every third person who wanted to experience the island would not be able to. The reality is that it’s impossible to fully plan your stay until the days upon your arrival in the Faroe Islands. Thats why we have developed the concept of ‘Trip of the Day’.

What is Trip of the Day?

The Faroese people have always been spontaneous. Some say it’s because of the weather and its unpredictability. We always have to be ready to seize the good days and reconsider our plans on a bad day. Due to the frequent cancellations, unreliable conditions and the ever changing weather we want to use the Faroese spontaneous way of life and turn the scenario on its head and use the weather to our advantage. We want to eliminate the possibility for cancellation due to weather and ensure that you get the most out of your stay. Trip of the Day ensures you, that you will get an unforgettable experience to the most unique destinations the Faroe Islands have to offer. All the trips are easy and for everyone.

How does it work?

It’s pretty simple. On every Monday, Wednesday and Friday there will be a trip to one of these exclusive places: Mykines, Kallurin or Tindhólmur. You can either book a 1-day or 3-day package. By booking the 1-day package you ensure yourself a trip to one of these three places. By booking our 3-day package you ensure yourself a trip to all the destinations above. If you want to be ensured a trip to Mykines we suggest you book the 3-day package. When the weather gods have spoken - you will get the weekly schedule sent by mail.

Where can you expect to go?

Depending on the weather the destination will be between these three options. Either way, you will be ensured an unique trip that suits the weather best. Read our terms and conditions regarding destination alterations and cancellation.




Cancelation due to weather.

Use the weather to your advantage.

Cancelation due to weather.

Use the weather to your advantage.

1 day or 3 day package

Choose between:

3 day package

By booking ‘Trip of the Day - 3 day package’ you will get to experience all 3 destinations. This means you will be ensured a trip to Mykines which usually is the most unreliable destination to get to.

1 day package

By booking ‘Trip of the Day - 1 day package’ you will be able to book a specific date and ensuring yourself a trip to either Tindhólmur, Mykines or Kallurin. The destination will be revealed in the week prior.

Embrace the unknown!

You never know where it will lead you!